Thursday, April 7, 2016

                         Out fishing on a sunny day

              The best time to go fishing is when it is sunny. When it is sunny you don't have to wear long sleeve shirts because its so hot .When I go fishing when it is very pretty outside I feel very relaxed and calm because I don't have to worry about it being cold or putting on lots of clothes. When it's hot and a good day to be fishing I just put on some shorts, shirt, flip flops and a hat.When it is usually sunny and I'm fishing I usually get my cousin to come out and fish with me.

      When I go fishing on a sunny day I usually wake up around 9:00 or 9:30. I eat breakfast then get my tackle together and head out to the pond. I usually go alone fishing but when I want someone to go fishing with me they usually go unless they already have plans.Usually my cousin or either my grandpa goes fishing with me.I always have fun when it's sunny but everyday is a good day.

Friday, March 25, 2016

     Last weekend on Xbox 1 I decided to go for diamond on my snipers. I already had gold on my locus and basically on my svg100. I staid up all night working on my Drakon and my Po-6. I got my Drakon done in  under two hours. It was really easy because i went to hardcore.Then I started using my Po-6. It was wvery hard because it had a pause before it shot I didn't like it at all because its just so annoying because of the delay of the firing of the gun.I was in a lobby with my friend and that's when i unlocked it on the map Evac I got a double kill then I unlocked it i was so excited because I hit an all nighter trying to unlock it.So now im gonna start going for pistols which is going to stink because everyone else is going to be using machine guns while I'm using semi and three round burst pistols but its worth it because it is going to look sick when I use both of them.

Friday, March 11, 2016

First Deer

    My first deer was really exiting.When I killed my first deer i was shaking like crazy because of all of the excitement and rush because its your first deer.The first time i ever killed a deer is when I was about 5 years old with my pa.He went with me in the hunting stand that he made back in about 1996.It wasn't a buck but it was a 110 pound deer pretty nice size for a doe.Where used to live their were lots of deer and almost any animal in the south that you would think of. Every time i go to my grandpas and grandmas the first thing I do is we go to the camp and go mud riding the things i always bring is my rod and reel.I always go fishing no matter what it could be raining or storming its fun.

Friday, March 4, 2016

                                                             Hunting and Fishing

      If you are going to hunt and fish the first thing you have to love is the outdoors and the wildlife. My favorite thing to do is fish because it is exciting and because when you catch a fish with a rod and reel it's like a game. You have to have patience with it because you can't just expect to catch a fish right when you throw the bait or the lure into the water. You have to try different places where you think the fish might be or where the most activity is.
   Now we are going to talk about hunting. Hunting is like a waiting game, ] you never know what     you're going to find when your hunting most of the time. Where I hunt I find deer, turkeys, bunnies, squirrels, birds, racoons, possums, and snakes. Where I used to live, I went to my Pop's land. I had to bring a gun anywhere I went because on the land there was so much wildlife and poisonous snakes and hogs. This deer season I killed a buck and two does. The number one thing you have to have in hunting is patience, because the animal can come whenever it wants and you can't just make it come out. You have to wait on it to kill it because if you get frustrated, you get aggravated and don't want to hunt. Sometimes when I'm either hunting or fishing I get sometimes upset when I don't see or catch anything.